We believe that farmers should be recognised as the most valued contributors to our society and economy, and that natural resources are precious, and must be respected and meticulously managed, especially as the world’s demand for food continues to increase exponentially.
We love working with and supporting those who produce the food and fibre which is so fundamentally important to our way of life, by sourcing solutions from around the world to help make better decisions, improve efficiency and increase yields.
We work with growers and scientists, both directly and through our strategic partnerships. From blueberry growers to compost manufacturers, we aim to deliver the highest quality products, and consistent support. We enable customers to capture and analyse meaningful data they can actually use and rely upon for decision making.
Mark Williams
Founder and Director
Mark has a technical background as an Electronics Engineer and a Pilot. From exposure to agriculture at a young age he developed a deep respect for farmers and the challenges they face. This, and a growing personal concern for water management, led him on an impassioned search for the right technology to monitor the use of this precious resource.
His work as a pilot afforded him time in the USA where he developed a connection with Acclima Inc. based in Boise, Idaho.
In 2012, Mark leapt at the chance to bring the benefits he saw the Acclima range deliver across the USA home.
Danica williams
A commercial pilot, Danica has been flying regionally throughout Australia for 20 years. Passionate about nature, natural resources and reducing waste, she is a natural communicator. Danica espouses a “relationships-first” ethos, helping understand the specific circumstances and challenges facing Landscape Technologies’ clients.
Danica and Mark are reminded daily by their three young boys of the need to manage resources wisely for the benefit of future generations.
why the fuss about tdr sensors?
Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is recognised as the benchmark technology for soil moisture measurement, and used to calibrate other technologies. TDR delivers the highest precision in all soil types. In fact in almost any media type, irrespective of EC or chemistry changes.
Acclima's patented TDR sensors are the world's only fully integrated true TDR sensors.
Precision agriculture never looked so precise!
But don't take our word for it...
“True TDR systems are accurate to +/- 0.02 inch/inch water content in most soils without calibration. The capacitance sensors are much less accurate”
“True TDR systems are accurate enough to allow irrigation scheduling according to a management allowed depletion approach in which the sensor data are used to see if the soil water content is approaching a value that would damage yield, so that an irrigation can be applied in time.
Also, the data are accurate enough to tell us how much water can be applied without filling the soil so much that deep percolation occurs. Other sensors are not accurate enough to avoid letting the soil get so dry that yield potential is compromised.””
“Work confirmed that Acclima’s TDR employs true time domain measurement methods (waveform analysis) and has the accuracy of conventional TDR”
“Acclima sensors are as accurate as the highest frequency, very expensive, research sensors.”
“Ag Logic supplies sensor systems to a range of agricultural enterprises in Tasmania. We value systems that are both robust, and accurate.
Our experience with the Acclima TDR probes has shown them to have both those qualities.
As a result, these are our sensor-of-choice for any single-point soil monitoring solutions we need to provide.
Our most common use for the sensors is as part of an irrigation support system for intensive berry production systems, where we can combine permanent installs with mobile readings using the RD1200.
This combination allows the managers to develop a powerful dataset they can use in their decision-making.
“We are proud to partner with Landscape Technologies to help bring their vision of data-driven decision making to soil management in the field. The team is entirely focused on bringing together solutions that make sense to the growers whilst creating natural field-proven efficiencies.”
“I used around 100 Acclima TDR sensors as part of my PhD project at the University of Western Sydney assessing the effects of water stress on potted plants. The sensors were chosen to control our irrigation to precise levels of soil moisture - a job they proved highly capable of performing especially in smaller pots. The large sample volume and immunity to soil chemistry changes allowed our experiment to proceed without any need to calibrate the sensors. I understand these sensors have been successfully used for at least two other University PhD projects since, with equally positive reception from the researchers and supervisors.”